Porridge Beans, also known as Akara in the Yoruba language, is a traditional West African dish, particularly in Nigeria. It is made from black-eyed peas, which are soaked overnight, then ground into a paste, and finally, deep-fried until golden brown. The beans are often mixed with onions, pepper, and spices before being fried.
The resulting dish is a savory and satisfying meal that is usually enjoyed as a breakfast food or as a snack. It’s commonly served with bread, fried plantain, or yam and it can also be enjoyed with a variety of soups and stews.
Ingredients used in making Porridge Beans include: black-eyed peas, onions, pepper, salt, and other seasonings (such as cumin, ginger, and garlic) and oil for frying
Porridge Beans is a very popular and delicious dish that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It’s a staple food in Nigeria and it’s commonly eaten as a breakfast food, snack or side dish and it’s enjoyed by people from all different tribes in Nigeria.
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